
Showing 1-4 of 4
Journal Article
Ngware, Moses, Gerald Mahuro, Njora Hungi, Benta Abuya, Milka Nyariro, and Maurice Mutisya. "Moderated effects of risky behavior on academic performance among adolescent girls living in urban slums of Kenya." Educational Psychology & Counselling (2016).
Journal Article
Abuya, Benta, Moses Ngware, Maurice Mutisya, and Mike Nyariro. "Girls’ primary education and transition to secondary school in Nairobi: perceptions of community members at the onset of an education intervention." International Journal of Adolescence and Youth (2016).
Journal Article
Kimani-Murage, Elizabeth, Catherine Kyobutungi, Alex Ezeh, Frederick Wekesah, Milka Wanjohi, Peterrock Muriuki, Rachel Musoke, Shane Norris, Paula Griffiths, and Nyovani Madise. "Effectiveness of personalised, home-based nutritional counselling on infant feeding practices, morbidity and nutritional outcomes among infants in Nairobi slums: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial." Trials 14, no. 445 (2013): 0-0.
Journal Article
Kimani-Murage, Elizabeth W., Frederick Wekesah, Milka Wanjohi, Catherine Kyobutungi, Alex C. Ezeh, Rachel N. Musoke, Shane A. Norris, Nyovani J. Madise, and Paula Griffiths. "Factors affecting actualisation of the WHO breastfeeding recommendations in urban poor settings in Kenya." Maternal & Child Nutrition 11, no. 3 (2015): 283-414.
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