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Journal Article
Bakibinga, Pauline, Remare Ettarh, Abdhalah Ziraba, Catherine Kyobutungi, Eva Kamande, Nicholas Ngomi, and Jane Osindo. "The effect of enhanced public–private partnerships on Maternal, Newborn and child Health Services and outcomes in Nairobi–Kenya: the PAMANECH quasi-experimental research protocol." BMJ Open 4, no. 10 (2014): 0-0.
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Remare, Ettarh, van de Vijver Steven, Oti Samuel, and Kyobutungi Catherine. "Overweight, obesity and perception of body image among slum residents in Nairobi, Kenya." Preventing Chronic Disease 10, no. E212 (2013): 0-0.
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Buigut, Steven, Remare Ettarh, and Djesika Amendah. "Catastrophic health expenditure and its determinants in Kenya slum communities." International Journal for Equity in Health 14, no. 46 (2015): 0-0.
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Schofield, Lilly, Shukri Mohamed, Elizabeth Kimani-Murage , Frederick Wekesah, Blessing Mberu, Thaddaeus Egondi, Catherine Kyobutungi, and Remare Ettarh. "Spotting the invisible crisis: early warning indicators in urban slums of Nairobi, Kenya." Field exchange (2013).
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Oti, Samuel O, Steven van de Vijver, Catherine Kyobutungi, Gabriela B Gomez, Charles Agyemang, Eric P Moll van Charante, Lizzy M Brewster, Marleen E Hendriks, Constance Schultsz, Remare Ettarh, Alex Ezeh, and Joep Lange. "A community-based intervention for primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases in the slums of Nairobi: the SCALE UP study protocol for a prospective quasi-experimental community-based trial." (2013).
Journal Article
Bakibinga, Pauline, Abdhalah Ziraba, Remare Ettarh, Eva Kamande, Thaddaeus Egondi, and Catherine Kyobutungi. "Use of Private and Public Health Facilities for essential Maternal and Child Health Services in Nairobi City informal settlements: Perspectives of Women and Community Health Volunteers." African Population Studies 30, no. 3 (2016): 0-0.
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Mutua, Martin Kavao, Rhoune Ochako, Remare Ettarh, Henrik Ravn, Elizabeth Echoka, and Peter Mwaniki. "Effects of low birth weight on time to BCG vaccination in an urban poor settlement in Nairobi, Kenya: an observational cohort study." BMC Pediatrics 15, no. 45 (2015): 0-0.
Journal Article
Kimani-Murage, Elisabeth, Lilly Schofield, Frederick Wekesah, Shukri Mohamed, Blessing Mberu, Remare Ettarh, Catherine Kyobutungi, Alex Ezeh, and Thaddaeus Egondi. "Vulnerability to food insecurity in urban slums: Experiences from Nairobi, Kenya." Journal of Urban Health 91, no. 6 (2014): 1098-1113.
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