
Showing 1-9 of 9
Journal Article
Benta, Abuya A, Maurice Mutisya, and Moses Ngware. "Association between mothers' education and grade six children numeracy and literacy in Kenya." Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education (2014).
Journal Article
Hungi, Njora, Moses Ngware, and Benta Abuya. "Examining the impact of age on literacy achievement among grade 6 primary school pupils in Kenya." International Journal of Educational Development (2014).
Journal Article
Abuya, Benta A., Moses Oketch, Moses W. Ngware, Maurice Mutisya, and Peter K. Musyoka. "Experiences of parents with the Reading to Learn approach: a randomised control trial initiative to improve literacy and numeracy in Kenya and Uganda." International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education 43, no. 5 (2013): 514-529.
Journal Article
Abuya, Benta, Moses Ngware, Maurice Mutisya, and Mike Nyariro. "Girls’ primary education and transition to secondary school in Nairobi: perceptions of community members at the onset of an education intervention." International Journal of Adolescence and Youth (2016).
Journal Article
Abuya, Benta, Moses Oketch, Maurice Mutisya, Moses Ngware, and James Ciera. "Influence of mothers' education on children's maths achievement in Kenya." Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education 41, no. 6 (2013): 633-646.
Journal Article
Ngware, Moses, Gerald Mahuro, Njora Hungi, Benta Abuya, Milka Nyariro, and Maurice Mutisya. "Moderated effects of risky behavior on academic performance among adolescent girls living in urban slums of Kenya." Educational Psychology & Counselling (2016).
Journal Article
Abuya, Benta, and Moses Ngware. "Reflections of Teachers in the FPE Era - Evidence From Six Urban Sites in Kenya." Sage Open (2016).
Journal Article
Ngware, Moses, James Ciera, Benta Abuya, Moses Oketch, and Maurice Mutisya. "What Explains Gender Gaps in Math Achievement in Primary Schools in Kenya?." London Review of Education 10, no. 1 (2012): 55-73.
Journal Article
Oketch, Moses, Moses Ngware, Maurice Mutisya, Admassu Kassahun, Benta Abuya, and Peter Musyoka. "When to Randomize: Lessons From Independent Impact Evaluation of Reading to Learn (RtL) Programme to Improve Literacy and Numeracy in Kenya and Uganda." Peabody Journal of Education 89, no. 1 (2014): 17-42.
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